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Power Out Will Gas Water Heater Continue to Work

Gas Myth: All Gas Appliances Work in Power Outages

Photo of a lit gas stove burner

Many households depend on natural gas for their heating, hot water, and cooking. But do you know which of your appliances will keep working if the electricity goes out? The answer may surprise you!

Unfortunately, only a select few of your gas appliances can keep working without electricity. There is a common misconception that gas appliances are better because they keep working when the lights go out. While natural gas can still flow into your home during a blackout, many appliances still require power to operate.

Gas Furnaces
Works in a power outage: NO

Gas furnaces heat your home by burning natural gas (methane) to heat air in the furnace itself. Fans then blow that hot air through your ducts and into your living spaces. You control your home's temperature through your thermostat, which sends information back to your furnace.

Many parts of the furnace rely on electricity to operate. The circuit boards that allow your thermostat and furnace to communicate need power. The fans that move heat through your ducts require electricity for their motors to run. And many internal pieces of your furnace rely on electrically powered switches. Furnaces also have built-in safety systems that prevent them from turning on during a power outage.

Gas Water Heaters
Works in a power outage: NO, IN MOST CASES

Gas water heaters burn natural gas (methane) to heat the water in your water tank. A pilot light starts to burn the gas in the center of your water heater. On your tank, there is a thermostat that controls how hot the water will get. The water heater monitors how much water is in the tank, in addition to its temperature.

Most modern water heaters require electricity to operate many parts of the appliance. Pilot lights are ignited with electrically powered switches and typically are not on continuously. Thermostats require power to maintain temperatures. And the tank cannot monitor hot water supply needs without electricity. You may be able to use water that has already been heated at the start of the blackout, but it will not start heating again until you regain power.

There are some water heaters that work without electricity but they are not what is typically sold. They generally cost more to operate because keeping a pilot light lit consumes gas. In addition, some old gas water heaters (pre-1980) may be able to operate without electricity, but these are very rare in today's homes. It's unlikely that you would have this type of gas water heater without already being aware of it.

If you are unsure if your water heater requires electricity, look to see if the tank connects to an electrical outlet. If the water heater is plugged in, it will not work in a power outage.

Tankless Gas Water Heaters
Works in a power outage: NO

Tankless gas water heaters heat water as you need it, also by burning gas as a source of heat. Instead of a large tank, water is heated in small amounts and then pumped to your faucet on demand. You set the maximum temperature with a thermostat, just like in a tanked water heater.

While these water heaters can be highly efficient, they do require electricity to run. These appliances require power to monitor the water to make sure it does not get too hot. Electric sensors also keep the unit from overheating. Tankless water heaters also have built-in safety systems that prevent them from turning on during a power outage.

For many tankless water heaters, you may be able to install a battery backup system for emergency use. Most batteries can only run a tankless heater for about 20-40 minutes, though there are some longer lasting options.

Gas Stovetops
Works in a power outage: YES (depending on the model)

When starting a gas stovetop, the click you hear when turning it on is the pilot light. This pilot uses an electric mechanism to create a spark, starting the burner's flames so you can cook. Because the mechanism is electric, that will not work during an outage.

You may be able to light the flame yourself to use your gas stovetop without power. Before you attempt to do this by hand, make sure you read instructions on how to do so safely. Some newer models of gas stoves have a safety feature that will prevent you from starting the pilot light by hand. Look at the owners' manual for your gas stovetop to find more information.

Gas Ovens
Works in a power outage: NO

Like gas stoves, a pilot light is required to start the cooking flame that heats the oven. This pilot is started with electric mechanisms to create the spark. Unlike a gas stove, there is no way to start the flame by hand for most modern gas ovens.

Gas Fireplaces
Works in a power outage: YES (depending on the model)

Gas fireplaces operate similarly to gas stoves: a pilot light starts a flame. Depending on the model, you should be able to use your fireplace for heat when the power is out.

Older models' pilot lights need to be started by hand, so a power outage will not make a difference in their use. Before lighting your gas fireplace by hand, make sure you know how to do so safely.

Modern gas fireplaces typically have built-in electric systems to start the pilot light. For some of these modern units, a battery backup is required to start the pilot light without electricity. Check your owners' manual for safety information and for instructions on usage during a power outage.

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Editor's note: this blog was updated on March 15, 2022

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